Seniors, you have less than a month left before you graduate and end your high school career. Are you excited? Before we can get to graduation, we have some important dates and information about the parade of success, how to turn in your parking pass, graduation practices, and graduation itself.
The parade of success is on May 27th. It is a walk the seniors do through Davis and Diggs, where the kids stand outside the classrooms and clap for the seniors as they walk through the halls to congratulate them on graduating (it is optional).
Student drivers will turn in their parking pass during senior sign out and will be given a special parking pass for graduation practice days. Students that ride the bus can ride the bus to school for practice but will need to be picked up after practice.
Seniors- May 20th is your last day of school and your senior picnic. Graduation practice will be held at North Point in the gymnasium on May 24th, May 26th, and June 1st. Graduation practice will start at 8:05am and they plan to finish by 11:00am if instructions are followed. Graduation itself will be June 3rd at the Blue Crab Stadium at 9:00am.