Kanye West Makes Controversial Comments

The picture Kanye West posted to Twitter.
Rapper Kanye West has been in the news a lot lately. From controversial tweets to releasing a new album, he has been creating quite a storm. After disabling his Twitter account, he started it back up and began posting to his account daily. One particular tweet that caught a lot of attention was a picture of himself wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Then West expressed his support for President Donald Trump,who has been under a lot of controversy himself for a majority of his term in office. This picture upset a lot of people. “I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to be independent though,” West Tweeted in response to the backlash. However, he has gotten support from some people. “I feel like Kanye has the right to say what he wants, some of Kanye’s points to liking Trump are understandable and just because most don’t agree with him doesn’t mean he has to change his views or keep his opinions to himself,” voiced sophomore Jarred Wade. This was only the beginning of West coming back into the public eye for 2018.
In early May, West appeared on TMZ. While on TMZ, he went on a rant about how being in slavery for 400 years was a choice. “I think it was stupid and ignorant for Kanye West to say the things that he said while he was at TMZ,” said sophomore Myles Rucker. This comment also resulted in social media backlash, receiving more comments than the “Make America Great Again” hat did. Celebrities such as Snoop Dogg and Kobe Bryant criticized West for these comments, causing West to turn to Twitter again to defend himself. “Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will,” he tweeted soon after the rant.
West’s statements have been very controversial and he hasn’t stopped there. This leaves many people wondering: how much farther will he go?