The End of Toys R Us

After being opened for decades, Toys R Us is permanently shutting down all U.S. stores.
Decades of memories have been created by the go-to toy store, Toys R Us, for people across America, and many are devastated by the news that the chain has reached the end of the line. After a months-long bankruptcy process, not being able to get its finances together, Toys R Us will be shutting down all across the nation.
The chain employs more than 30,000 people in the U.S. and includes Babies R Us stores. Toys R Us has told employees that the company plans to sell or close all of its U.S. stores, but the shutdown will not be immediate. Just in 2017, the country’s largest toy emporium accounted for roughly one-fifth of toy sales in the U.S., according to Jefferies analyst Stephanie Wissink.
In recent years, however, Toys R Us has realized that it has been competing with online shoppers and losing. In this new era, parents are of the millennial generation who grew up with the Internet and approach shopping for their children- and the time spent with them- in a different way than their predecessors- the baby boomers. Now children are usually spending their time busy with different activities and in front of electronics. Senior BJ Proctor confesses, “those stores were overrated. I never really got gifts from there. Target was the place since day one. Plus, I have outgrown them (toys) and so have today’s children. Now, it’s all about Fortnite.” Toys R Us just can’t keep up with the ever evolving world of playtime.
News of Toys R Us shutting down their stores hasn’t really affected many people of the younger population. “I’m not necessarily upset that Toys R Us is closing down in the U.S. because toys can be bought anywhere; they can be bought at Walmart, Target or even Costco. I also think that the reason I’m not upset that Toys R Us is closing is because I don’t remember spending much time there when I was younger,” junior Francesca Bruce discloses.
With the closing of Toys R Us comes the beginning of a new era where the Internet is the forerunner of toy shopping. Children now won’t ever have the feeling of going to the huge chain to pick out a new toy, but just like Proctor said, there will always be Target.