New Jersey Mask Mandate

New Jersey Governor moves to end the Indoor Mask Mandate on March 7th.

Governor Philip Murphy will no longer require students or staff to wear masks to move to a “sense of normalcy.” It has been reported that 78 New Jersey residents die each day from this deadly virus, which has been the lowest number they have had since this pandemic began. Murphy states, “that it is time to reconsider how we manage this virus.” Many districts in New Jersey are facing pressure on whether they choose to follow the governor’s lead on the new mask mandate. Studies have shown people who wear masks indoors are less likely to test positive for the virus; this then contradicts the philosophy of Governor Murphy. He implemented a different strategy to keep his citizens safe such as requiring all school employees to be vaccinated and to submit to weekly testing. When temperatures begin to rise, he will give schools additional ventilation options. Many schools will be required to open windows to improve air flow.

Governor Murphy never intended the mask mandate to be a permanent solution; it was just for the rise in cases. Many parents have joined a legal challenge to overturn the mask mandate, which did not end well.

How would you feel if the mask mandate was lifted in Charles County?