Balancing School and Sports
Are you passionate about your sport but your grades are falling because of it? Keeping up with your academics can be fairly easy with a few simple tips.
Organization is key in keeping up to date. Calendars and agendas are your best friends, as you can use them to mark due dates for assignments, practices and games. You need to know your schedule and know how to manage it. Knowing when practices start and end can be crucial to allowing yourself the proper amount of time to work on school work.
Time is a huge factor in staying on track. You have to work in time for your homework in between practices and getting the right amount of sleep. Weekends can be a great opportunity for starting homework and projects for the following week.
Our school is very beneficial if you need extra help. NEST allows us extra time to study and do homework while we eat. As well, if you’re falling behind and really need help with the work, you have your friends, but more importantly, you can go to tutoring with your teachers. They are there to help you and will most likely respect that your sports might be holding you back.
You need to prioritize mostly. In school, your grades should come first, especially since you have to maintain a 2.0 GPA. Your homework and tests should be a focus while also working with the team.
You shouldn’t be overly stressed about keeping up with your sport and schoolwork. Follow these tips and you should do just fine.