Girls Volleyball beats Wolverines

On Friday, September 11, the girls’ varsity volleyball team beat Westlake, 25 to 23. Even though it was a close call, the girls gained the victory, and went home with a win. Jordin Dixon (’17), whom has been playing volleyball since the 6th grade, had a lot to say about the game.

Jordin began to play volleyball at the age of 12, at Capital Clubhouse. The reason she got into volleyball was to stay active while in school. “I practice almost every day and I try to get my hands on the ball as often as possible,” said Dixon. Jordin actually started off not knowing much about volleyball and thinking that it wasn’t the sport for her. But with dedication and compassion she started learning visually to fasten the learning process. She would dedicate her afternoons and weekends to practice and sometimes even watch the older girls play. Even though she practices day in and day out, she still feels like she has some improving to do. As for her and her team, they practice to become better players.

“The reason for our varsity volleyball team’s victory is teamwork and unity,” stated Dixon. “The whole team supports one another cause if we didn’t we wouldn’t win any games and it wouldn’t be as much fun.” The girls’ volleyball team focuses more on unity and support, rather than it being always about wanting to win.

The volleyball coaches, such as Coach Sollohub, have been known for being very supportive and excellent coaches. “I appreciate the coaches because they didn’t have to take timeout of their day to coach us and teach us tricks and tips to improve our techniques for us to become better,” said Dixon.

So far nothing but good and electrifying news about our girls’ varsity volleyball team. Fall sports have just started and our girls are always kicking the season off on a good start. “I hope this season comes with many victories and accomplishments,” said Dixon.