New Student Eligibility Rule In Effect

Thinking about playing a sport or joining an extracurricular activity?
If so, be sure to acknowledge the new eligibility rule that fell into effect at the beginning of the second quarter of the 2015-16 school year. The new changes apply to all Charles County Public Schools, essentially entailing that if a student has been absent for more than 4.5 days, he or she will be ineligible to participate in any school-related extracurricular activities. “I think it’s good that they’ve increased the number of absence days a student can get. Honestly, it makes my schedule a whole lot easier, especially around baseball season in the spring,” said Brandon Powell (17’). As stated by Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Superintendent Kimberly Hill, “In future eligibility determinations, absences in the previous quarter shall be the determining factor.” Moreover, first quarter student records determined the new rule that took hold at the beginning of the second quarter. Despite the new rule, grades will still remain an imperative determining factor. Subsequently, the new rule will not override other eligibility factors, including the minimum 2.5 G.P.A., as stated in Board Policy 6431. Additionally, records of ineligibility will now be listed on the student’s report card from the previous quarter. However, parents may now appeal within 30 days of the initial decision by filling out an Extra-Curricular Eligibility Appeal Form. “I think it’s good that the records of ineligibility will be shown on the report cards because it will strengthen the communication between students, parents, coaches and teachers,” said Joseph Periello (17’). Overall, while the rules haven’t changed drastically, it is still important that students and parents alike are up to date on these changes to ensure success both in and out of the classroom.