Spanish Trip to New York City
The Spanish department treated some students in Spanish 3, 4 and AP students to a trip to New York City. The trip spanned out on the weekend of April 10th through the 12th leaving at 9:30 on Friday and returning back home on Sunday evening. The trip was full of excitement, as the students toured the city on a coach bus seeing all types of different locations. This included visiting Ellis Island, the Rockefeller Center and the Metropolitan Museum.
Elizabeth Lopez (17’) attended the trip and had this to say about the experience, “I thought the trip was pretty cool and I loved it honestly. I really loved the art museum and wish we would’ve spent more time there but there were other great things like the food and salsa dancing.”
When asked why go to New York City for Spanish, Mrs. Centivany, a chaperone and planner of the trip replied with, “We went to New York to provide our Spanish students with an opportunity to experience Hispanic culture firsthand and to show them different ways that Spanish is spoken here in the U.S. Also, we wanted to offer something to our students that enabled more students to have this experience than would be able to travel if we were to go to another country.”
Students were assigned to a certain chaperone and traveled with their groups during free time which provided them with time to shop or get something to eat. One interesting event during this time was a custom scavenger by the tour company which helped the students interact and explore the city around them more closely.
Mrs. Centivany says that, “From the feedback we received, I feel the trip was a huge success! We were able to pack a lot of different types of activities and I think that we had something for everyone to enjoy.” If the trip is planned again for next year the only thing Mrs. Centivany wishes is that they could make it a little longer—there is just too much to see in New York City!