The Growth of Academic Eagles

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With the Winter Formal only a few weeks away, let’s look back on who makes activities like these possible. The Academic Eagles club has been around for some time, but this year marks the first year that Academic Eagles has a certified class. It is run by Mrs. Griffin, one of the math teachers. One of its members is Celeste Brown (’17).

Brown explained the things that Academic Eagles does, “Flight cards, the winter formal, as well as come up with new ideas.” She was also asked how it is different now from last year. “We have a class for it now and there’s a lot more time to plan and work.” Her favorite thing about the class is “the power to change things in the school.”

Students have Academic Eagles to thank for the monthly doughnut sales, the hot chocolate sales, last year’s Spring Fling, dances, and the new Music Mondays. The goal of Academic Eagles is to give the students things to enjoy that also motivate them to do better in school. Flight cards, for example, are a reward to students for getting better grades. The higher the grade, the more rewards the students can get, such as homework passes, gym passes, and even discount prices on tickets to events like school dances or sporting events.

The students behind the club and class work hard to give the school fun things to look forward to and they deserve everyone’s thanks. Brown was asked if they could use new members and she explained, “Yeah, we’re always open to new people.” So if you want to get involved, the Academic Eagles meet on Mondays, first half in room 343 and you could always enroll in the class next year.