Polar Plunge

Today students will participate in the Polar Plunge, which is a fundraiser to support the Special Olympics of Maryland. This year will be the 7th Annual Plunge, and the goal is to raise $250,000. Students who wished to participate donated $50 to the cause and in return would be allowed to participate on a field trip to Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, and receive a 2016 Plunge Sweatshirt.
Once the students arrive at the park they will register at 11:30am, afterwards a free lunch will be provided by Wawa. During lunch there will be a program featuring Plunge emcees, Special Olympics Maryland athletes, and a costume contest. Prizes will be given out to the best team costume and best individual costume. After lunch, the real fun will begin, when students and other participants will “take to the waters.” There is no depth requirement, so some participants choose to go all the way under, while others only go ankle-deep.
The polar plunge is run by “Cool Schools,” who want to “show their support for Maryland’s children and adults with intellectual disabilities.” The organization is comprised of Maryland State Police and Aerotech. This year students and teachers really gathered around the cause and contributed. There were 163 participants in the plunge, and together they raised a total of $7,920 for the cause.
There is still time to donate, and “Cool Schools” is still $23,728 away from their goal. To donate and show your support for the Special Olympics of Maryland go to coolschoolsmd.com, but hurry because donations close tonight at midnight.