Spring in to Action

Spring showers bring May flowers and the end of the third quarter and start of the fourth. The third quarter has just finished and there is only one quarter left for this school year. Seniors are preparing to conclude their senior year and most know what colleges they will be attending. Nick Summers (16’) wants underclassman to know, “Fourth quarter is when you have to focus on tests because there are less assignments. It’s hard enough to stay focused near the end of the year but it’s important to keep your GPA high.” This is true for all grades to not slow down just because the year is almost done. Joshua Graham (17’) says, “I will try my best to do well in the final quarter of my junior year. Only a couple of months before I’m a senior.”

Along with the start of the quarter, the Academic Eagles are recognizing students for their academic achievements with a Spring Fling on April 8th. The Spring Fling is a gathering that occurs in the courtyard where food is given to those who have reserved their spot in the celebration. Tobias Coombs (17’) says, “I think it’s good how they are rewarding us for doing well in school. I also look forward to the food they will be providing.” This is not the first Spring Fling as the Academic Eagles set up tables and such to provide food and an environment where the present students can socialize.