Making a Difference


There are many different ways to make a difference in one’s community.

Currently in the area, cleaning the ocean and local bodies of water is a prominent cause thanks to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The reason why it’s such a popular choice has to do with the fact that it has a rich, yet relatively young history here at North Point. The NOAA team consists of a wide spectrum of different students, who in their own ways have contributed to the cause. Some methods executed by students have encompassed cleaning local watersheds, planting trees, testing pH levels in nearby bodies of water, and helping to manage and protect local species, such as trout. “During my time in the club here at North Point, I have to say that my favorite moments have been the trips we’ve taken to local parks and reservations to help the environment. In Ms. Kiorpes’ room, we even bred and cared for trout, which we later released into the wild to help increase the overall population in the area,” shared Celeste Brown (17’).

In addition to helping the environment outside of school, the NOAA team has also planted more than 880 trees in the vicinity around the campus. “We really have to be conscientious because anything we do can impact the environment. As for our commitment to planting trees, we’ve been pretty meticulous about achieving our goal to plant as many as possible, and judging by the 880 that we’ve planted so far, I’d say we’re on the right track,” expressed Dorian Brown (17’). As a result of the tremendous ambition and work ethic of the students affiliated with the club, NOAA’s council officially awarded North Point with its second Ocean Guardian School banner.

With two banners already down, the club only have three more to go. “Schools around the nation can only earn up to five Ocean Guardian banners, but I’m confident that North Point will be successful in getting them eventually. I mean, we already have an edge with the two we’ve earned already,” stated Justin Call (17’). Only one school in the entire nation has achieved all five banners. “That school is on the West Coast. We’ll be the first school on the East Coast,” Kiorpes asserted. Conclusively, the club members are embracing their competitive spirits in their aim to obtain all five banners, and they’re having fun doing so. No matter how much fun they have, however, they always remain on track; staying loyal and committed to their primary principal of changing their community and world for the better.