The Senior Shirt Epidemic


Original Senior Shirt design for class of 18′.

Annually there are shirts made for seniors. This year, the recipients are torn over which design they should sport. Supposedly, this time around there are three designs that are up for consideration. Even before the school year started officially, the soon-to-be college freshmen were in a dispute over which to choose from. The class of 2018 twitter page had a poll on the topic, and one of the designs won by a landslide, with the entire poll reaching nearly seven hundred votes. The catch is, the class of 2018 doesn’t consist of nearly seven hundred students.

“There was a miscommunication when making the designs,”

Blancaflor’s design that was featured in the poll

Senior Caleb Blancaflor stated, as a design of his was featured in the poll, winning a vast majority of the votes. There seemed to be a disconnect as there were more than one designer. “I was told I was making the design for this year’s shirt,” Blancaflor says, as he noticed later down the road that this resulted in people in the class picking sides rather than designs. This in itself could ruin the unity of the class of 18’, or better yet, bring light to the already corrupt class this perhaps may be.

There was a time where the two main design “teams” were in talks to just settle on a certain design, but it seems to be dismissed as a whole and was left for the entire class to decide.

“We were going to have a meeting but they came to the consensus that there would be nothing to talk

about,” Senior Cole Pryor revealed as the North Point 2018 page tweeted that there will be an extended homeroom period at the end of the week regarding the shirts. There will be ballots handed out in every senior homeroom deciding which design people want to go with.

Friday will hopefully put the feud to rest as seniors will decide for themselves in person which design they feel is right to represent their class.