Fandom in the Making

What is the definition of Fan Fiction? For some, it is art in its purest form: imagination. For many, it is an opportunity to find a social group to belong to.
With the opening of their new Fan Fiction club, seniors Jahlen Grant-King and Jayla Hollie are beginning to worry if their club will be able to stay afloat. With the lack of attendance and interest, Hollie and King continue to hope and pray that more people will show up to attend the meetings and participate in club activities. “We accept everyone,” encourages co-president of Fan Fiction club, Grant-King. “It would mean a lot to us if more people showed up.”
When asked about Fan Fiction Club, junior Brittany Staton had this to say, “It’s a place where fan fiction lovers can come together and talk about their favorite fan fictions, learn about more, and just talk. All ages are welcomed.”
In this club freedom of speech and opinion are highly valued among members and club leaders. Debating is only one of the many activities that the club offers. The club also includes fan art/writing competitions, trivia games, real-world discussions and its relation to the fan fiction community, movie/anime/manga fandoms, fan fiction website usage, and prizes.
Anyone interested in joining the club can attend the meetings on Tuesdays, second half of NEST in room 302.