Spirit Week 2017
The one week in school that everyone anticipates forever comes and goes so quickly, almost making it feel like it never even happened. The energy begins its build-up from the start of the year and progressively gets more and more intense until it finally arrives. Some may argue that these short five days create the best week in the entire school year. Others say that they wish it never ended. But eventually, all good things must come to an end. This is very true for North Point’s spirit week.

North Point High School’s spirit is like nothing else. The positive energy that radiates throughout the school can be felt from wall to wall. But when spirit week comes around, everything becomes amplified. “My first spirit week was really fun. I loved seeing all the school spirit NP had and I made some amazing memories,” freshman Janiyah Brand admitted. Planning for the spirit days begins about two weeks before homecoming during an SGA (Student Government Association) meeting. There, members within the organization throw ideas around until the days are set. Once the spirit days are announced to the school, everyone begins to excitedly plan their outfits for the whole week.

When that Monday rolled around, it was like everyone had stepped back into time. Decades day kicked off the beginning of an exciting week. People came to school dressed like they were in all different types of years. There were even people who were from the future and from the stone age. Tuesday was when all you could see was double. So many people had coordinated outfits with their friends so they could look like exact copies of each other. Twin day definitely had a lot of participation. On Wednesday, tacky tourist day, there were so many floral print shirts, that it almost seemed like the school was a vacation resort. Students were walking around school sightseeing with their maps, sun glasses, visors, binoculars and sun screen on. It truly was a sight to see. Thursday, character day, came around and so many students were dressed as so many different characters. Costumes ranged from cartoons, to memes, to even the standard high school football coach.

All of these days built up the excitement for everyone’s favorite- class color day. Class color day is what everyone looks forward to. It’s the day where everyone reps their class with pride. This is the one day where the school is divided. No one has mercy on the the classes that aren’t theirs. It’s a battle of the classes and everyone wants to come out on top. It shows the hierarchy of the school and how students have to earn the right to certain colors. “Since I’m a junior this year, being able to wear red was surreal because it means that I am an upperclassman now and my high school career is almost over,” junior Francesca Bruce confesses. Everyone dreams of the day they become a senior and earn the right to wear black. It’s a rite-of-passage. Showing class spirit has to be almost everyone’s favorite thing throughout the week. Going all out and wearing nothing but your class color is the only option, and everybody knows that.

Spirit week has to be one of the best times of the year because the school atmosphere just becomes so much more light and thrilling. When asked about how she felt participating in her last spirit week, senior Kinsey Polk explained, “It was really bitter sweet, which is very cliche, but it’s true! It’s so much fun dressing up and seeing all the creative ideas people come up with, but in the back of my mind, I was always thinking about how I would never get to have something like this again.” Seeing not only the students, but the staff participate gives the school a more unified feeling. No one is afraid of being called out for their wacky outfits and ideas. It’s actually frowned upon by the students when someone doesn’t participate. This is the time where absolutely everyone feels accepted.