North Point 10th Grade CTE Students’ Thoughts on Their Selected Programs


As 10th grade Career Technology Education enrolled students have experienced their program for almost two months, they have started to form an opinion about their programs. Students have made comments about their program being difficult or frustrating. Other students believe that their program is the perfect class to help them excel in their future careers. I have gone around the school gathering information from 10th grade CTE enrolled students in order to share their opinion on their program. Each student has developed their own responses based upon their personal opinion alone.

Rose McKentry is enrolled in the Engineering program at North Point High School. She was asked how she felt about her program and her response was: “My program is really difficult and frustrating. It requires a lot of effort and time to be invested into it. Also, if you’re behind you have to exert a lot to catch yourself up. But the teachers are really nice and understanding.” Rose also stated that her program is extremely helpful for any career due to the fact that there is a lot of math and science involved.

Another student, Yusra Umer, is enrolled in the Academy of Health Professions program at North Point High School. She was asked how her program would help her in her future career choices. Her response was: “I want to be a pediatrician or a child psychologist. This program [Academy of Health Profession] will help me learn about what I need to study in the future. So, this program is already introducing me to the broad spectrum.” Yusra also expressed that she believed her program was fit for her and she had no regrets choosing the program. She explained how she felt as though it was too early to choose a career, but she still enjoys the program, nonetheless.

The last student interviewed was Reginald Straughn. He is enrolled in North Point High School’s CISCO Program. He was also asked how he felt about his program and his response was: “I feel as though CISCO is a very important CTE Program as networking makes up the entirety of what we do on a daily basis. Everything we do on the internet, or any electronic device for that matter, is done using a network. The field will only continue to grow and transform over time.” Reginald explained how his program will help him pursue his future career in becoming an IT Technician. He showed no regret in choosing the program and is glad to be enrolled in the CISCO Program at North Point.

The other students interviewed had all stated similar things to the answers seen above. Most CTE enrolled students are glad to be in their program and believe that it will help them succeed in their future career choices. Students show how they have almost a perfectly set career choice and have high hopes that the next two years of high school will give them enough knowledge to go straight into college or even the workplace.