Jaleen strikes a pose in front of the iconic Eagle statue.
Department: Math/Leadership/AP
Teacher: Mr. Burton
Student’s Grade Level: 12th
It has been such a blast working with Jaleen this year. I have gotten to work with her not only in AP Calculus, but also in Academic Eagles Leadership. Jaleen always comes in with a positive attitude and works as hard as she can every day. AP Calculus is one of the toughest courses we have at North Point, and Jaleen has really risen to the challenge this year. She is in my largest class and even though it can get hectic, Jaleen makes sure to stay focused on the work she is doing. In Leadership, Jaleen has stepped up as one of our best student leaders. She is always working with her classmates to get the work done, and makes sure that everyone’s voice is heard and represented in the final product.