A new chapter has begun again for the new inductees in to the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). On May 2, 2013 56 new members were added to the NTHS family. Most of the new members consisted of sophomores, but also a few juniors and seniors.
A line of successful students walked into the school’s auditorium waiting for a certificate to confirm their membership in the NTHS. A brief introduction was made and then the students received their certificate and took an oath.
The NTHS is only for students in grades 10 through 12. NTHS is for STI students at North Point who want to share their STI knowledge and talents with the rest of the members.
Getting inducted into the National Technical Honor Society requires students who show an interest in an STI, to apply to the society and later answer questions to prove why they should be a member of NTHS. The students have to maintain a GPA of 3.5all year long and must complete task to earn their points, for the end of each school year.
Members of the NTHS are expected to follow the societies motto: “Excellence in America’s workforce begins with excellence in workforce education.” The new members of the NTHS are expected to excel not only in their classrooms, but in their community as well. The main purpose of NTHS is for students to come together and help solve problems to come in the future. After all, the students now are the leaders of tomorrow.
Once students graduate and are no longer high school members of the NTHS, their skills follow them through life. An oath is proudly taken by all members of the NTHS to show they are ready to apply their knowledge and talents in the real world.