Got Graphics?!
Tianna Lewis (’16) is a junior in the Graphic Communications program. Graphic Communications is a part of the designing arts. The students learn how to create eye catching images and products for advertising and marketing purposes. Lewis has future goals of having a profession that deals with Graphic design.
There are many STI programs available, but not many that allow someone to be creative. For example the junior Graphics students have created neglected holiday cards for neglected holidays such as “Pi Day 3/14,” “May the Fourth Be With You,” and National Sock Day.” “I applied for the program because it brings out my creativity,” Lewis says. Mr. Gilbert, the Graphics teacher, says about Lewis “She is intelligent, hardworking and very creative”. She started the program her sophomore year and had quarterly meetings her freshman year. “I recommend incoming freshman to apply if they are creative and have discipline. The projects are time consuming and difficult at times,” Lewis says. She has learned much with just two years of the program and is looking forward to another year.
“I’m looking forward to finishing high school, and being certified in graphics,” says Lewis. She is looking forward to her future and is setting goals for herself that she is striving to achieve. Graphic Communications is not just a program, but one step closer to the future.